In different times in my life I definitely had plans. For the most part what I put my mind to had come to fruition. The journey, however, from point A to point B in the plan may not have gone at all how I envisioned it to. There were some very big times that got shared, and some very small times that were just meant for me. I think the only way I got through the big moments in the journey is because destiny took over. All of a sudden, those big moments I was struggling to get through didn’t seem so difficult to share. Don’t get me wrong, they were still difficult. They were nothing compared to what my brain prepared for though.
Maybe it’s not just a girl’s name but looking back on things, she did know best! Maybe destiny is Mother Nature’s Daughter???
My lesson looking back:
Follow your heart. Lead with your emotions. Reflect with your mind. Share the results. Be scared but do not run. Feel.