I need a favor…
OK, ok. that break was long enough, probably too long! I’m alive and well. I took some time away to pay attention to me. I worked on some things that I am happy with and I have stayed stuck with some things I’m not so happy with. All in all, not too bad. Communication! That…
OK, here we go…2019
OK so Christmas is over. New years is gone. My birthday has been here. NOW it’s time to start 2019! Lol We are 12 days in and here’s where I’m at. It’s been a rough road the past 13 days by the way. ( That’s not a typo, it’s been a rough 13 days!) 2019…
Please be advised
Just a quick note I need to get off my chest… If I come right out and ask you “Is that ‘inspiring quote’ you posted geared towards me?” an honest answer is expected. If I have to ask you and you can’t answer, DON’T POST THEM!!! They hurt. They aren’t true. They are misleading. They…
It’s the worst!
This is something that I am struggling with in my life. This is like a live thought, true in the moment for me. Do you know what’s worse then not feeling accepted? Feeling forgotten. IT’S THE WORST!!! More later, just not up for it right now…
Growing Pains: THE TRUTH
The truth has hurt me but more importantly, it’s help me grow. We are all guilty of stretching things, sugar coating, avoiding, changing the subject…call it what you want. Everyone has their reasons for why we don’t tell the truth. I am going to tell you my reason and I’m also going to tell you why…
A quick thought…Don’t Worry!
Worrying works! 95% of the things we worry about never even happen!!! Need examples? Reflect on last week. HAPPY MONDAY!